How To Clean A Cruiser Bike Chain In 10 Mins

Ever notice how dirty your bike chain gets after riding? Dirt can cause bike chain malfunctioning so it is important to maintain proper hygiene.

How do you clean a bike chain? Follow these easy and effective steps:

  1. Create or buy a cleaning solution
  2. Fill your chain cleaning system
  3. Degrease the chain
  4. Wipe off excess degreasing solution
  5. Lubricate the bike chain

Dust and dirt can easily get stuck in your chain. It is a good practice to perform routine maintenance and cleaning on your chain to prevent potential problems. This will also help to increase the lifetime of your chain so you don’t have to constantly buy new ones.

What You Need

To clean and lube your chain, you will need the items listed below.

  • Degreaser
  • Lubrication
  • Chain Cleaning System
  • Rag

These simple items will prove to be super helpful when cleaning your bike chain.

Cleaning Your Chain

I came across this super helpful video that easily teaches you how to clean a bike chain without removing it.  The whole process should take no more than 5 minutes to perform.

I have provided step-by-step instructions below to help guide you through this bike chain cleaning process. Make sure to take your time and take all safety precautions to prevent yourself from harming and also damaging your bike.

Step 1 – Create Your Cleaning Solution

You want to start by mixing a 1:1 solution of Simple Green Degreaser with water. Any biodegradable purpose-made bike chain degreaser will work.

Step 2 – Fill Your Chain Cleaning System

Fill your chain cleaning system to the maximum fill line. You want to do this outside somewhere so your house does not get damaged from the solution.  If you have to clean your chain inside, then put down the newspaper.  

Purchasing a chain cleaning system or kit like the Park Tool CG-2.3 will allow you to clean your bike chain without removing it. They are affordable and easy to use. They do a great job of really getting the grit and dirt out from the tiny crevices in your chain with little effort. However, you do not have to use one.

Step 3 – Degrease Entire Chain

Attach your chain cleaning system to the chain and pedal your bike backward between 30 and 60 times for thorough degreasing. This alone will make a huge difference.

Step 4 – Wipe Off Remaining Degreasing Solution

Take your rag and hold it around your chain while you pedal backward to remove excess degreasing solution and grime. Be careful to keep your skin covered with a rag so you don’t cut yourself on the chain.

Step 5 – Lubricating The Chain

Take your bike chain lubricant and drip it on your chain while you complete 3 full pedal strokes. Take your rag and gently wipe off any spots on your chain that are still dripping. You can hold the rag gently around your chain while your pedal 1-2 times.

Wipe excess dripping lube as needed. Make sure to not want to wipe all of the lube off because that would defeat the purpose.

Best Chain Guard For A Cruiser

One of the reasons why the chain gets worn is because of the dirt and grime it collects. Every time you ride your cruiser, your chain will more than likely collect dust and dirt from the road. Good routine maintenance for your bike chain will require you to wipe it down after every use.  

You can also purchase a bike chain guard to help protect against debris, dirt, and also keep your pant legs from getting caught. You can get this 26” chrome chain guard to help keep it protected and looking like new.

Is It OK To Use WD40 On A Bike Chain?

WD-40 is okay to use on your bike chain if you do not have anything else. It functions as a degreaser, which will remove existing lubricant, dirt, and grime.

Typically, you would use this solvent to refurbish old chains. It helps to break up any rust and dirt that is on the chain.

With this being said, I recommend using degreasers and lubricants designed for bike chains. You can purchase some Simple Green bike chain degreaser for cheap online.

Can You Clean A Bike Chain With Soap And Water?

Yes, you can use soap and water to clean your chain but I don’t recommend it for the sake of rusting your chain. Water can seep into tight areas of the chain links and just sit there.

You can get away with using soap and water if you wipe it down thoroughly with a rag.  You should then apply a degreaser to the chain after wiping it dry.