Beach Cruiser Tools

Whether you like it or not, your bike will break down at some point. When that happens, you will need specific bike tools to fix it. I have put together this list of common tools I regularly use to help you learn what you might need to maintain your beach cruiser.

Bike Work stand

A work stand will make fixing your bike much easier than trying to fix it on the ground or balancing it on a table. You will be able to freely access just about every part of your bike using a bike work stand while standing in a comfortable position. There will be minimal kneeling and bending your body in awkward positions while you repair your cruiser.

foldable bike repair rack

If you plan to do your own maintenance, using this foldable bike repair stand to fix your beach cruiser will certainly help. It is an adjustable repair rack, which is perfect for different sized cruisers. It is also very compact for easy storage when not using.


Having a multi-tool handy will prove to be beneficial to help fix a majority of issues that could go wrong with your bike. These type of tools are usually small enough to keep on your person so you can fix something if you break down during your ride. This F-15 multi-tool on Amazon consists of hex wrenches, Phillips screwdrivers, chain tools, torque tools, and even a bottle opener.

Chain Lubricant

If you want to keep your beach cruiser riding smooth for years then you need to consistently apply oil to your bike chain. It will be easier to ride and protect your chain from getting stuck. It will also help to slow down normal wear and tear from riding.

This chain lube I found on Amazon will keep dirt and grime off your chain while improving pedal gear performance. This lubricant is highly recommended by many bike enthusiasts because it is long lasting and works well with just about every type of bike, even beach cruisers!

Patch Kit

Sooner or later your tire will pop. You want to be prepared when this happens. Having a patch kit like this one I came across on Amazon will allow you to quickly and easily repair your tire.

Tire Lever

Replacing tires will become a common practice for you if you intend to ride your bike frequently. This is when a tire lever like this Park toolset on Amazon will come in handy. Removing tires without a lever can be a real pain in the a**! Using a lever will save you time, effort, and money. You will be able to quickly remove a tire and pop on a new one with ease.

Chain Splitter

Owning a chain splitter like this one on Amazon will save you a lot of headaches when your chain gets blocked up while pedaling. A chain splitter will allow you to easily break and re-chain in a matter of minutes. This high-quality product features a no-slip grip and easily allows you to see how far to pop the pin out.

Chain Cleaner

You do not want to keep buying new chains every time your current one get dirty. You should make it a habit to consistently clean your chain, which will help maintain the chain health and lifespan. Use the Park Tool CG-2.3 from Amazon to clean your chain frequently. It is simple to use and cleans your chain quickly.